Friday, March 14, 2008


Yep. you heard me. Zero. Zip. None. Not only was Hamas using the Hezbollah playbook for help on how to fire rockets at Israeli civilians while using your own as human shields, it also took a page on "How to stage an Israeli massacre."

Of course, nobody stages massacres better than Pallywood, and nobody manipulates the mainstream media like the PPM, Palestinian Propaganda Machine. Remember Jenin? The massacre that wasn't?

In short, back in April 2002, the Israeli Defense Force s engaged what was the Mother of All Anti-Terrorist operations as it ran into a Palestinian hornet's nest, booby traps filled with explosives, teenagers and terrorists alike wielding AK-47's, hand grenades, RPG's, and all sorts of "primitive weapons" (as the MSM likes to opine). When the dust cleared, 27 Israeli soldiers were ambushed and killed -- needlessly because they, Israel, chose the risky tactic of using troops to minimize civilian casualties. Israel, clearly, could have used air power to flatten Jenin, but in its concern for innocent human life, it chose to go in on the ground, and they paid a terrible price.

In reality, 56 Palestinians were killed, of which only 10 were "civilians." I put quotes around "civilians" BECAUSE Palestinians dress themselves to look like civilians. Not even bandanas and head scarfs to identify them. The line between civilians and terrorists is cleverly and intentionally blurred.

That was the REAL casualty count. BUT, the MSM, especially the terminally anti-Semitic British press all quoted the "eye witness accounts" of ONE MAN, a man who did not even live in Jenin at the time. And so, the saga of Jeninograd began.

The press printed reports of "mass graves," "summary executions," "torture," and upwards of 500 to 1,000 civilian deaths, half of which were women. This charade, like all the others before it (Think Al-Dura), had no basis in reality. Since the media did not question the reports, the PPM had a field day.

When the truth finally had come out, the damage to Israel's image was done and no amount of backtracking -- which many media outlets REFUSED to do so -- was extensive, and let to an immediate call for a ceasefire.

Most recently, a Hamas leader spoke on Arab television admitting that they use civilians as human shields (link to be posted later).

Like Hezbollah had done in the 2005 Lebanon "war," Hamas planted its rocket crews on top of apartment buildings, in schoolyards, near hospitals, in market places, anywhere a strike by Israel would cause civilian casualties that they could exploit for political purposes, and run to the UN crying to have the "International Community" (the IC) stop Israeli aggression.

Even the alleged moderate, "Mahmoud Abbas," President of the PA, repeated Haniyah's claim (Haniyah is the leader of Hamas) that "Israel was committing a real Holocaust in Gaza."

The IC, MSM, and the UN must have thought that Abbas, the terrorist, had given up his terrorist ways just as they thought Yassir Arafat had done. Not a chance in Hell! Saying that "Gaza is the real Holocaust," was easy for a confirmed Holocaust denier."

If there is one thing that you should learn about Hamas, Fatah, Hezbollah, Islamic jihad, is that they have no compunction to murder their own citizens and use them as canon fodder.

So, in this most recent "incursion" into "unoccupied Gaza" -- not that it ever was "occupied" -- the single, solitary, insibstantiated report out of the mouths of one or two "Palestinian eye witnesses," Israel had killed 120, half of which are civilians including dozens of women and children."

So, just as there was the Jenin faux massacre fabricated by a lone, "eye witness," so too was there another faux massacre manifactured for public consumption.

I argue, and there is none to deny it, that Israel killed only terrorists -- militants if it will make you sleep at night -- and no civilians. That is correct. There were no civilians killed directly by Israeli ordinance.

Hamas has murdered more civilians as "Israeli collaborators" than Israel has killed "innocent civilians." sorry, but a terrorist in any other wrapper is still a terrorist.

It doesn't matter how many Hamas has killed because the number will always be less than Israel's.

So, to sum up. Hamas fires rockets indiscriminantly at Israeli civilians, from launch pads inside civilian areas, forces civilians to stay inside their homes from which they fire on IDF troops and tanks, using civilians as human shields, hoping to entice Israel to fire back at them and maybe kill their human shields.

In other words, Hamas, and only Hamas kills Palestinian civilians, not Israel. There were NO CIVILIANS KILLED DURING THE MARCH INCURSION INTO GAZA.

And, you can take that to the bank!

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