Saturday, March 15, 2008

Hamas MP: Arabs Ruled by '4 Million Brothers of Apes and Pigs'

Hamas MP: Arabs Ruled by '4 Million Brothers of Apes and Pigs'


MEMRI TV: Hamas MP Fathi Hammad Slams Arab and Islamic Regimes for Being Ruled by "4 Million Brothers of Apes and Pigs"

Fathi Hammad: The wounded men have sacrificed themselves in defense of the honor of the Arab and Islamic nation, and in defense of the holy places. They have sacrificed parts of their bodies in order to stop the advance of the Jews, who want to uproot you. As you know, the Israeli flag has a star between two blue lines. They want to establish the state of Israel between the Euphrates and the Nile. The Jews want to invade Egypt and Iraq, to destroy Saudi Arabia, and to return to Khaybar...

...Where is your valor? Stop being such cowards. The time has come for you to awaken from this deep slumber. The time has come for your honor, dignity, and valor to awaken. Where are you, Muslims? Are you monotheistic, or not? Are you Muslims, or not? Do you love Allah, or not? Do you love the Prophet, or not? As a sign of your love for Allah and the Prophet, you should sweep away the borders, which were created by imperialism. We are in need of weapons, we are in need of food, we are in need of moral support, as well as support by the media, economic support, medical aid, and support in weapons. Therefore, oh Arabs, who number 300 million, you cannot allow yourselves to be ruled by four million brothers of apes and pigs. Where is your nobility? Aren't you ashamed of yourselves? Where are you, oh Muslims, who number one and a half billion, yet you are ruled by four million brothers of apes and pigs?...

...Where is your manliness? Where is your nobility You stand there like women and do not lift a finger. What is the meaning of this apathy? What is the meaning of this cowardice? What is the meaning of this fear?...

...Your armies have become like women, who hide and cannot lift a finger. Your armies, tanks, and planes have become rusty...

OK, Mr Hammad-as-Hell, maybe you would be so kind as to tell your Muslim Brothers and Sisters, who go ballistic about Mohammed cartoons and beauty pageants, and who go on killing sprees, and rampaging entire villages in their wake, just exactly how your calling Jews, "Apes and pigs" is NOT racist and an affront to their God?

Mr. Fat-headed Fathi: if Israel wants to take over the entire Arab world, then why are they giving their own land to Arabs? It's been 40 years since the 1967 War, and instead of capturing more of the territory promised to them, they are giving it to be run by a bunch of psychokillers, child abusers, and pedophiles.

Maybe, someone on the brain-dead Left can tell us why they support these racist madmen who, quite literally, want to drink the blood of every Jew in the Middle East, and who lament that Hitler did not go far enough?

There you are, supporting the Palestinians, prima facie, who elected these monsters to rule over them, a government composed of the lowest scum imaginable, then what does that say about you and your self-righteous indignation against Israel?

The answer is that the Left is lower than whale dung, and their blogs like the "Huffington Post" is one of the deeper hole into which that dung falls.

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