They also question our support and monetary aid to Israel, acting as if the United States never gave a dime to any other Middle Eastern country.
Reality check. For the past three decades, the United States has sent hundreds of billions annually in military aid to Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority, without so much as a peep from the public.
Although Israel was slated to get $3 billion in U.S. aid this year (now cut by $700 million), this pledge was made only because the United States also planned to give $20 billion in advanced weaponry to Saudi Arabia and $2 billion to Egypt.
Why are we sending billions in advanced weapons to Saudi Arabia, the richest country on Earth?
Saudi Arabia, the home of Osama bin Laden and 15 of the 19 hijackers on 9/11, is also ground zero and Grand Central Station for their radical Islamic beliefs, having given birth to them, and relentlessly spreading them throughout the world (with our tax money).
What about the billions to Egypt?
Egypt, home to Musab al-Zarquawi, the mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001, attack, and the other hijackers, is getting weapons supposedly to protect it from Iran and to reward it for its "peace" agreement with Israel.
With it being the world's leading exporter of the most virulent, anti-Semitic media ever seen, and the top exporter of illegal weapons to terrorist groups in Gaza, Egypt is hardly a great partner for peace.
Why aid Israel?
Who else in the Middle East shares its expertise and technology with the United States, contributing to our efforts to combat terrorism and to protect our troops and nation?
U.S. troops use several Israeli technologies, such as unmanned aerial vehicles, decoys to confuse enemy radar and reactive armor on Bradley tanks to repel enemy fire.
Both countries coordinate strategies for combating terrorism and weapons proliferation.
Israel, as the world's leading expert in collecting intelligence on terrorist groups and counterterrorism, shares highly sensitive data with us on a daily basis.
Just as Pearl Harbor brought us into the ongoing global war between fascism and the free world, so, too, did 9/11 bring us into the ongoing global war between radical Islamics and the free world.
To avoid another 9/11, we desperately need to keep Israel safe and thriving.
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